熱烈祝賀本公司投獲香港特別行政區政府房屋署 2019 至 2021 年度地下管線勘測定期合約 合約編號20180391,價值11,106,000港元。
FORWIN Site Investigation Engineering Ltd.
  探測工程内容    管道滲漏探測
  Leak Noise Correlation (LNC) 管道滲漏分析及定位
Noise Logger 漏水巡視檢測
Moisture Mapping Survey (MMS) 濕度分佈勘察    

Noise Logger

Permalog Plus Results Analysis
Permalog Plus Results Analysis
Brief Introduction of Permalog Plus
Permalog Plus is an intelligent leakage detection equipment which had been using around the world for almost 10 years. With its highly sensitive electronic sensor and its patterned analysis algorithm, Permalog Plus has been proved to be able to reveal leakage that a human being or older technologies cannot find. (see Appendix I)

Every Permalog Plus sensor has a size smaller than a soft drink can. It has a strong magnet which can be attached on any metallic part of a water pipe. After it is attached it will start monitoring noises coming from the pipe and analyse if there is leakage nearby or not. If there is a leak Permalog Plus will show a LEAK alarm with noise level of the suspect and a spread value which indicate the clarity of the noise source.

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